Visiting the trenches of the Great War

Trincee di Malga Pidocchio

The Malga Lessinia Trenches are a must-visit place just a few steps from the refuge. Restored a few years ago, they are a monument to the history of this area, but also a beautiful vantage point with views of Monte Baldo and the high pastures of western Lessinia.

Throughout the year, it is possible to visit the recently restored Malga Pidocchio defensive redoubt, located a few dozen metres from Malga Lessinia.

The restoration of these Great War trenches, consisting of 430 linear metres of tunnels and underground passages, has given rise to the new Ecomuseum of the Trenches of Lessinia, inaugurated in 2014 at Malga Pidocchio, between Malga Lessinia and the Castelberto refuge, in the municipality of Erbezzo.

The recovery of the defence complex was long and delicate, carried out thanks to the efforts of Flavio Melotti and 183 volunteers, exclusively with local material to maintain the appearance of the period.

The malga Pidocchio trenches, built between 1915 and 1916 on the second line of the defence front of the Kingdom of Italy, had numerous cannons for defence, as well as shelters and walkways for the soldiers.

Today this site can be visited freely, but you can contact us to arrange a guided tour with one of our experts.